Guinness attempt that went wrong

Would we refuse a opportunity if it would grant us our name in the Guinness world record book… i guess not. Here is the news of one loving father of a brilliant son who wanted his son’s name to appear in the wolrd famous Guinness Record book.. but.. things went wrong when he came public with the feat.

This is the latest news buzzing around amongst the Indian Medical Association and the whole of TamilNadu. This involves a 15 year old boy, Dileepan Raj, born to Dr.Murugesan and Dr. Gandhimathi ( yes .. you guessed right.. both parents are practicing doctors) has performed Cesarean section and delivered a baby at his parent’s Nursing home in Manapparai district in TamilNadu. He has performed this ‘feat’ under the guidance and supervision of his parents. The surgery was performed approximately 3 months ago.. but this news reached the media just few days back when Dr.Murugesan (the father) screened the video footage of the surgery (which was being performed by his son) to the authorities of the Indian Medical Association.. in attempt to gain recognition to his Son’s brilliance and in turn get his son’s name entered into the Guinness World Record

However his intentions got grounded and his ladder to fame toppled over him when the IMA declared this act as illegal and unethical. The Govt.Of India has ordered a probe into this issue Surgery performed by a Minor. Dr.Murugesan went wild when the IMA authorities condemned his act and said it was no feat.. but breach of trust.. The Lady on whom the Cesarean Operation was performed was from a village. She came to the nursing home for delivery…and the family believed the doctor when he said that the lady had developed complications and normal delivery will not be possible and a cesarean operation is needed to save the mother and the child.

Just like any other villager.. the family placed their trust on the doctor and signed the requisite forms which they thought was the “permission to perform a Cesarean Operation”. Little they suspected that a 15 year old will be performing a surgery involving the lives of 2 unsuspecting souls. However today , 3 months after the surgery, the mother and child are said to be doing fine.

However, Amarilis Espinoza, a spokeswoman for the record book, said in an e-mail response to a question from The Associated Press that the organization doesn’t monitor or endorse such feats because it would encourage the practice of “bad medicine.”


Its only natural for parents to see a spark of brilliance in their child and have the wish to take their child’s skills to greater heights of glory. I am of the opinion that skills akin painting-..etc can be learnt and perfected with practice even if the person has little or no technical knowledge about the paints used / strokes of Davinci / papers of italy etc..etc.. Infact there is no harm done if one project goes wrong. All the person stand to loose is his canvas and some materials used. But performing a surgery as vital as a C-section cannot be termed as a skill that can be learnt with practice alone. One needs to have the knowledge – logic- forethought about the entire procedure and the science involved. This is not some 15 marks question appearing in the 10 std Public exam question paper .. where you go in for a revaluation … if you think there is some mistake with the correction procedure.

Perhaps if Dr.Murugesan and Dr.Gandhimathi had approached the Education department for a fast track degree for their son.. with special screening tests to examine his capabilities in understanding the medical procedures and the theory involved, and various other examinations , control-experiments..etc..etc which would put him at par with other licensed – established doctors.. then truly this news would have proved fruitful both for the boy , Dileepan Raj and his parents.

Dileepan is just a 15 year old…like any-other teenager.. Wonder how he is taking all this pressure. He has is board exams ahead of him. His teachers and friends are never going to interact with him in the same manner as they did few weeks back. He will be seen as a subject as controversy in his school. Even-though brilliant….. he can’t volunteer to answer a science quiz in his class.. coz then he will be labeled as a “show off”. I truly feel sad for this chap. He just did what his parents told him to do, and they promised him that he is going to be famous one day… sad.. he got famous for all the wrong reasons


Dr.Murugesan Dr.Gandhimathi claim that they had been training their son to perform such a surgery for the past 2-3 years. Well.. does his medical license authorize him to train a minor on medical practices ? ?.

4 Replies to “Guinness attempt that went wrong”

  1. Marcia..
    Glad to see you again..
    I only wish that this phase passes off and the parents dont at in haste towards a longerm goal for their children..
    they were just over enthusiastic parents who wanted to reach ahead of several others.

  2. Deepa,

    Sometimes, parents place their kids in trouble. This is just another such case, where an innocent kid victimized by the expectations of his parents, legal system and the media.

    Just reminded by Khalil Gibran’s
    “Your children are not your children……….”

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