Have Scrolling list and links

All of have lists & links that we would like to share with our readers. Sometimes these lists can run very long. I personally find this very cumbersome and boring.

So I decided to make them appear as scrolling upwards so that all the links are displayed within the space we decide to allot them. You can see this in action here itself.

If you take a look at my Right-side-bar, I have a scrolling list of CREDITS.This gives a neat-and-tidy look .Want to add a similar look to your blog as well.. follow the instructions closely
This is assuming that you know how to add ordinary and linked lists.

  2. The logic is to use a marquee within a table..here I am using it in sidebar
  3. Template-Add Page Elements-HTMLJavascript page element

    <table width=”100%” border=”1″ >
    <tr ><td >
    <marquee height=150 width=100% onMouseover=”this.stop()” onMouseout=”this.start()” direction=up scrollamount=”2″>

    *******what ever list you wish to add******


  4. If you wish to add an ordinary list then just add them normally
  5. If you wish to add a list with links then add them using the <a href=”URL_of the link” > Text that represents the link </a>
  6. You may add as many number of lists as you wish.
  7. Save and view.

22 Replies to “Have Scrolling list and links”

  1. I’ve tried on a test page, had no problems. Don’t have a reason now to use. At the time I requested, wanted to scroll some names in remembrance. List was too long to post. Thanks again.

  2. Hi Priya
    Yes i too have seen that.I would say that its possible to have the picture in the side..simply go the concerned person;s profile page-rightclk the picture and get the link.Use it in your credit with the<img> tag.I personally prefer text links

  3. Back again. As I said I was able scroll a small list, but what I want to do now is to scroll a list form a file containing many names. Can you help?

  4. Dear Deepa

    – I am so glad that I found your site as it is very helpful for someone like me who is not very technically minded!

    But Deepa, here I think you have a bit of HTML code missing in your instructions. I could not make the scroll box work until I added the instuction for “marquee” to the beginning of the code.

    It took me a long while to work out what was wrong … maybe a more experienced techno-blogger would have known to do that automatically. I didn’t!

    And I do thank you for all your work on this blog, its a wonderful resource!

  5. Thank you Lesly
    But can you be mor specific because
    as per the code below.. all the movebal text are placed within the marquee tag
    <marquee height=150 width=100% onMouseover=”this.stop()” onMouseout=”this.start()” direction=up scrollamount=”2″>

    *******what ever list you wish to add******

    I see a <!–marquee–> in your page.. <! -> is the sytax for comments in html.. this is not a html code

  6. Hi.. hathor..
    I shall look inot it..
    but what is the purpose of this long list… coz.. if they are simple text then i suggest u copy paste the text ..i shall anyway dust my JScript books and getback to you

  7. The text would be about three thousand lines. I don’t know if I would have that must space in my Blogger post to do cut and paste. Wouldn’t I need some separator between lines?

  8. This is wonderful! But one thing: my list is taking up only the left side of the scroll box and the other side is blank. The links are all scrunched up on that left side. How can I use all of the space?

  9. Welcome Dana
    Try changing the
    margin-left: 12px;

    Try giving lesser numbers and see if is making any diffrence..
    Hope this helps

  10. [table border=”1″ width=”100%”]
    [marquee direction=”up” width=”100%” onmouseover=”this.stop()” onmouseout=”this.start()” scrollamount=”6″ height=”50″]
    [a href=”http://frames4life.blogspot.com/”] My Photo Blog [/a]
    [a href=”http://commonmansthoughts.blogspot.com/”] Jose’s Blog [/a]
    [a href=”http://shriraam4u.blogspot.com/”] Shriraam’s Blog[/a]

    this is what i tried!!! and it wasnt that appealing…

  11. Prashanth..
    Glad to see you again..
    Here is the code for your list… i didnt really had to change much..
    your scrolling speed was too fast.. and just increased the height a bit

    <table border=”1″ width=”100%”><tr><td><marquee direction=”up” width=”100%” onmouseover=”this.stop()” onmouseout=”this.start()” scrollamount=”3″ height=”150″>
    <a href=”http://frames4life.blogspot.com/”> My Photo Blog </a>
    <a href=”http://commonmansthoughts.blogspot.com/”> Jose’s Blog </a>
    <a href=”http://shriraam4u.blogspot.com/”> Shriraam’s Blog</a></marquee><td></td></td></tr></table>

  12. thanku thanku thanku….its awesome…thanks a lot….
    workin really fine!!!!i also used [br] to increase the gap b/w them …:)

  13. Thanks SO much! I was looking to see how I could add in a scrolling list and found your site. Everything worked like a charm – especially for someone as new to blogging as I am.


  14. @Dette
    glad you found waht you were looking for..
    Use the “multi style labels” (left bar).. may be somthing else intrests you as well 🙂
    btw.. can i have u r url ?

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