These are few Sample animated gif files that I have added for you to see..
![]() |
![]() |
- The Blogger does not allow you to add the animated gif and you get an error mesage
- Technically u clicked on one animated-gif file to upload and once the upload is done you see a series of similar looking pics…leaving you wondering where all those other copies came from
So before learing how to do this.. we need to understand the logic in an aminated gif file
Animated gifs actually contain a series of images (or frames) that are displayed one after the other and give an illussion of movement. |
Since Blogger seems not to like animated-gif pictures we need to upload our files to someother file-hosting service.I have used Ripway
- Register & Login to
- Upload the Animated gif file from your hard disk to ripway
- Once your file is uploaded properly you shouldc be able to see
- This will give the direct link to your animated file
- You may save this link in a notepad so that you can use this in your post along with
<img style=”border:none;” src=”-YOUR AnimatedGif FILE PATH-“/> - Add to post and publish
- You now have a great looking Animated gif file in your blog
It will resemble something like shown below
.You may choose any files Sharing service you prefer.Do feel free to give me the names of such file-sharing services so that I may add them here for refrece to other fellow bloggers.
Hope you were able to acomplish the task of adding animated gif files to your blog.Kindly leave your opinion at the comments section ..and dont forget to help another friend by backlink to this post..
How to widen the header image?? In my background between header image and background color, ther are lots of space left.
I just need few tips form you how to widen the header image equally.
Just wanna let you know, ther is a website for resizing the image.
Chk’out when u r free.
Priya..Try changing the numbers at the margin / padding (or both)..I thought the space was a part of u r design.
#header-wrapper {
margin:22px 0 0 0;
padding:8px 0 0 0;
Hi Deepa,
Love your blog – used your fix to get rid of subscribe to atom. Worked a treat.
2 questions
1) Do you know how to lose the ‘posted by’ at the bottom of each entry? (home page and expanded posts)
2) Lose the date header at the top of an entry. (home page and expanded posts)
Welcome NHN (hope you dont mind the abbreviation)
Glad you liked the tips here
As for your questions…
Go to Template — page elements
Click in the EDit of Blog posts..
Just select (or deselect) the options of you choice..
this should remove your posted by and the date header from the posts.
Thank YOU so much!! I was so puzzled by adding an animated gif … you’ve solved my problem.
Hi painting
Glad to be of assistance
ONE CAN ALSO UPLOAD THE ANIMATED GIF FILES TO GOOGLEPAGES AND USE THE LINK ..for some files from ripway are not working.. is a safer option
once ur animated gif file is uploaded – rightclik-properties- copy image location
Thanx a lot !!!
Very important info !!!
nice tips.
thank you very much