Oh .. ! Friend..I see..
The Blooming blossoms astounds you
His Beaming brilliance bewilders you
His progressve prowess propels you
Oh..! Friend…I wish..
You rout the mountains…inspired from his beams
You race the oceans…….inspired from his hues
You raze the bubble of inhibitions…inspired from his travel plan
Oh..! Friend…may your credentials mirror
The keleidoscopic drapes… magnifique..lone and grouped, alike
The flame of life…light-up the knowledge …self and surroundings, alike
The warmth of conscience…warm up some icy lost soul…
true deepa what you say,i am awed by the sun and its powers…it does inspire me to strive harder in life…
And you have indeed potrayed it in your poem very well..keep it up 🙂