Happy Mother’s Day by Mindbliss
Hush..shh..Hush..shh..my darling,
Rush…for the dreams call out to you.
Fresh..you shall be..when you dream,
Refresh..it’ll be..when you sleep on your dreams.
Trash..your fears…for they cloak your goals,
Push..your limits…and seek those heights.
Hush..shh..Hush..shh..my darling,
Rush…for the dreams call out to you.
quite rhythmic poem..nice tune…:)….very well written !!!! kalakureenga…….!
ஹீ..ஹீ..டாங்க்ஸ் பா.. 🙂
if you feel sleepy after reading this…then its MISSION ACOMPLISHED 😀
yup true.. ..sounds like a good ..positively motivating lullaby…….lll use this one….wen i ve one….smiles..!!!!!