Succeed to help success

Who would not want to be sucessfull..Its only funny that the successful ones say “I don’t care about being successful.. its the satisfaction that i get.. motivates me to move further”.. Howcome the same people don’t say the same words when things were not-so-successful-times…Belive and accept that every one aspires to be successful in their own genre of things .. and there is not need to feel guilty of being successful. After-all you are entitled to to fruits of your labor. (I am writing this article assuming that your success comes out of your legitimate – truthful – honest manner of working without any kind of backstabbing)

There are a certain category of people who might make you feel miserable for being the best and successful in the things you do.. Its these people you need to stay away from. . They not only make you feel quitly for being yourself…(oh!.. so you got the promotion.. congtrats.. but then.. that was a pretty easy project to do and you had ample time to complete it well before time).. but they also drain you of the motivating force …( oh!.. still on your desk.. working on another promotion is it ? ? )… surely you can do away with such comments and let some fresh air (productive ideas) into your mind.

Once in a while.. just sit back and watch a bunch of aspiring minds at work. If you feel.. its within your capacity to help them realize their dream.. then drop discreet ideas and suggestions.. that might help the person think and work towards his goal. This way you will spare him of the emotion to feel obliged to you.. and grant him the satisfaction of achieving his dreams in his own merit.

Show thumbnail Image preview of your Photoblog posts…using Blidgets

Photoblogs are a popular way of expression amongst bloggers. There are numerous photo hosting sites such as , ,, etc etc.. the list is endless. But there are some Bloggers out here.. who have already established themselves among their blogzone. They would rather host their Photoblog in the same platform ( blogspot / wordpress ..etc etc)..due to established readership. Moving to a mew platform like flicker,photoblog et etc would mean.. they will have to network from square one.

Its a good idea to display your photoblog pics ( as an thumbnail image preview.) in your main blog.. so that the readers will know about your new Photoblog and can also see a preview of the images whenever you make an update.

You may see one such preview in my Left-side-bar. This Showing-Image-Preview for Photoblog was developed using the Blidget option of Just follow the instructions if you wish to have such a widget for your photoblog too.


  1. Register yourself with
  2. Choose “Make a Blidget” ( meaning… convert your blog into a widget)
  3. Give the URL of your photoblog — continue
  4. Choose the “Layout” as Narrow (for sidebars) or Wide (to show below the header.. or above all posts)
  5. Choose the “Display” as Headlines only & ShowFirst image in each post ( oh Yeah… afterall this is a Photblog)
  6. Its Ideal to choose “Header Style” as Title only (for photoblogs)
  7. Just allow Listing in the Gallery and give a Description of your blog .. dont forget to add tags.. its really useful
  8. Then Publish the blidget at


  1. They give  you a variety of options as to where you want to use the blidget you have just created.Just move the mouse over the image and see which one is for what
  2. TypePad   Blogger   MySpace   Facebook   Netvibes   Pageflakes   Google   Blogger PostFreewebs   Piczo   Widget Code

  3. You may direclty add your blidget using these options,,..
  4. Or you may use the "getcode option" to get the Javascript code and then add it manually to your blog through template – page elements – new elements
  5. Voila.. Now every one who comes to your active blog can see that You have a Photoblog and Such awesome pictures are sure to inspire them to visit your Photoblog to leave a comment

What do you say… Liked it.. C’mon.. go ahead and configure your blidget


Widgetbox allows the display of english characters only.The boxes you see in my photoblog widget are Tamil (Unicode) characters. I have tried makig blidgets with blogs in other languages as well.. all come out as boxes. I have also written at the widgetbox forums ..Forum for using widgets and Forum for New features.. to allow the display Unicode characters also.

I hereby appeal to all my readers to kindly support this feature in blidget so that many Regional language Bloggers can also make use of this wonderful feature.Kindly register yourlseves with the WidgetboxForum and Give your support by replying to any one of the thread (To display Unicode Characters) Thread at Forum for Using Widgets or Thread at Forum for New Features.

This will hardly take a minute or two. Please voice your opinion on this at the forum. Your reply might get us one step closer towards the process of implimenting this feature

Thank you

Your appreciation is my motivationKindly link back to this post..of you are impressed by the information provided

Men and Megaserials

If you are from India.. then you probably know what i am talking about here. For the rest of the world Megaserials as TV shows that are on the air for the past 5 years and show the prospects of being in air for the next 15 years. It starts of with a single story line.. proceeds at some point to branch out and spread its foliage.. and something something happens and then the serial reaches its end with a big budget closing ceremony.

Its widely accepted the housewives are the lone audience for these megaserials that are relayed on TV between 10.00 am and 10.00pm. As it is the housewife ( as the name suggests) spends time “at home” she has nothing to do except watch TV serials. For the menfolk watch News – Sports – Market Analysis.

Allow me to reveal some home truths here. It may be accepted the “Men Donot Watch Megaserials” , for these are boring stuff watched and appreciated by the women. This is so not true. Men may not “sit and watch” these shows… but every now and then they make their discreet enquiries about the plot of these serials,.. they say something like..”Honey.. what happend to the serail at 9.00 .. where XYZ eloped with the bar guy.. or the ABC person convited for trial”.. poor lady of the house narrates the plot only to get ..” and this is the crap you ladies sit and watch all day long”… Not stopping here.. the next week … he wants to be updated of the plot.. with another discreet query.. and the saga continues.. .. ..

Guinness attempt that went wrong

Would we refuse a opportunity if it would grant us our name in the Guinness world record book… i guess not. Here is the news of one loving father of a brilliant son who wanted his son’s name to appear in the wolrd famous Guinness Record book.. but.. things went wrong when he came public with the feat.

This is the latest news buzzing around amongst the Indian Medical Association and the whole of TamilNadu. This involves a 15 year old boy, Dileepan Raj, born to Dr.Murugesan and Dr. Gandhimathi ( yes .. you guessed right.. both parents are practicing doctors) has performed Cesarean section and delivered a baby at his parent’s Nursing home in Manapparai district in TamilNadu. He has performed this ‘feat’ under the guidance and supervision of his parents. The surgery was performed approximately 3 months ago.. but this news reached the media just few days back when Dr.Murugesan (the father) screened the video footage of the surgery (which was being performed by his son) to the authorities of the Indian Medical Association.. in attempt to gain recognition to his Son’s brilliance and in turn get his son’s name entered into the Guinness World Record

However his intentions got grounded and his ladder to fame toppled over him when the IMA declared this act as illegal and unethical. The Govt.Of India has ordered a probe into this issue Surgery performed by a Minor. Dr.Murugesan went wild when the IMA authorities condemned his act and said it was no feat.. but breach of trust.. The Lady on whom the Cesarean Operation was performed was from a village. She came to the nursing home for delivery…and the family believed the doctor when he said that the lady had developed complications and normal delivery will not be possible and a cesarean operation is needed to save the mother and the child.

Just like any other villager.. the family placed their trust on the doctor and signed the requisite forms which they thought was the “permission to perform a Cesarean Operation”. Little they suspected that a 15 year old will be performing a surgery involving the lives of 2 unsuspecting souls. However today , 3 months after the surgery, the mother and child are said to be doing fine.

However, Amarilis Espinoza, a spokeswoman for the record book, said in an e-mail response to a question from The Associated Press that the organization doesn’t monitor or endorse such feats because it would encourage the practice of “bad medicine.”


Its only natural for parents to see a spark of brilliance in their child and have the wish to take their child’s skills to greater heights of glory. I am of the opinion that skills akin painting-..etc can be learnt and perfected with practice even if the person has little or no technical knowledge about the paints used / strokes of Davinci / papers of italy etc..etc.. Infact there is no harm done if one project goes wrong. All the person stand to loose is his canvas and some materials used. But performing a surgery as vital as a C-section cannot be termed as a skill that can be learnt with practice alone. One needs to have the knowledge – logic- forethought about the entire procedure and the science involved. This is not some 15 marks question appearing in the 10 std Public exam question paper .. where you go in for a revaluation … if you think there is some mistake with the correction procedure.

Perhaps if Dr.Murugesan and Dr.Gandhimathi had approached the Education department for a fast track degree for their son.. with special screening tests to examine his capabilities in understanding the medical procedures and the theory involved, and various other examinations , control-experiments..etc..etc which would put him at par with other licensed – established doctors.. then truly this news would have proved fruitful both for the boy , Dileepan Raj and his parents.

Dileepan is just a 15 year old…like any-other teenager.. Wonder how he is taking all this pressure. He has is board exams ahead of him. His teachers and friends are never going to interact with him in the same manner as they did few weeks back. He will be seen as a subject as controversy in his school. Even-though brilliant….. he can’t volunteer to answer a science quiz in his class.. coz then he will be labeled as a “show off”. I truly feel sad for this chap. He just did what his parents told him to do, and they promised him that he is going to be famous one day… sad.. he got famous for all the wrong reasons


Dr.Murugesan Dr.Gandhimathi claim that they had been training their son to perform such a surgery for the past 2-3 years. Well.. does his medical license authorize him to train a minor on medical practices ? ?.

Give 5-star rating for individual posts in your Blog

Best way to sustain readership is to make it as interactive as possible. But at the same time we need to remind ourselves that the readers jude you posts in matter of minutes.. They scan your posts (before actually reading them) and then decide to read further. So if you can allow users to interact with your posts without any annoying popup and signup forms,.. then the 5 star rating system is something you need to incorporate

You may notice Some stars displayed at my posts.These are the Rating-stars. You may click on the stars to rate your opinion on the concerned post Poor

This script has been developed and deployed by the team at drop by there..I am sure other scripts developed by them will impress you equally well.However..Instructions to use the 5 star rating system in blogger is as follows

  2. In TEMPLATE-EDITHTML – check the “Expand widget templates”
  3. Locate the <div class=’post-header-line-1’/> and insert the following right after it (and before <div class=’post-body’>)
  4. <div style=’float:left; margin-right:10px;’>
    <div class=’js-kit-rating’ expr:path=’data:post.url’ expr:title=’data:post.title’>

  5. So your final code should look something like this
  6. <div class=’post-header-line-1’/>
    <div style=’float:left; margin-right:10px;’>
    <div class=’js-kit-rating’ expr:path=’data:post.url’ expr:title=’data:post.title’>

    <div class=’post-body’>

  7. Locate the </body> in the template and add the following before it
  8. <script src=” “>


Your appreciation is my motivationKindly linkback to this post as you recomend this 5 star rating feature to your fiends


By now most of you will be familiar with different kinds of webfeeds like the Rss-feeds, Atom-feeds, JSON-feeds etc. I am looking for feeds which contain images. This is My PhotoBlog and this is the URL of my post feed
where each picture is accompanied by a short description

When this feed is used to display the contents of my photoblog.. I either have the option of showing just the post-titles ( no image and no description) or show description ( show full image and full description). I am in search of some procedure that will allow me to display the images as a thumbnail ( say about 100 x100).. so that my readers who come here will know that there has been an update at my photoblog and can click on the picture to get to see the pic in its full size

What good is a feed for photoblog, if it cannot give a preview of the image. I have googled, contacted feedburner and Yahoo-Piped for almost 3 weeks but no luck. If anyone reading this has some insight into developing a image-preview mode for photoblog feed.. Please…please…please…drop your word here…This is an open cry for help from a fellow blogger who loves to take pictures once in a while

I have been Tagged

I have been Tagged by Vishesh.The Rule demands that I share the 5th paragraph in the 123rd page of the book I am presently reading.As I am reading a is the entire 123rdpage for your eyes

AUTHOR Georges Prosper Remi
WALKED THE EARTH from 22-May-1907
 to 3-Mar-1983
PUBLICATIONS: Adventures of Tintin
Num of Publication 23
(24th was published posthumously)
Native language of Tinin French
Translations in 83 languages..Still counting


  1. Tintin in the Land of the Soviets – (1929-1930)
  2. Tintin in the Congo – (1930-1931)
  3. Tintin in America – (1931-1932)
  4. Cigars of the Pharaoh – (1932-1934)
  5. The Blue Lotus – (1934-1935)
  6. The Broken Ear – (1935-1937)
  7. The Black Island – (1937-1938)
  8. King Ottokar’s Sceptre – (1938-1939)
  9. The Crab with the Golden Claws – (1940-1941)
  10. The Shooting Star – (1941-1942)

  1. The Secret of the Unicorn – (1942-1943)
  2. Red Rackham’s Treasure – (1943-1944)
  3. The Seven Crystal Balls – (1943-1948)
  4. Prisoners of the Sun – (1946-1949)
  5. Land of Black Gold – (1948-1950)
  6. Destination Moon – (1950-1953)
  7. Explorers on the Moon – (1950-1954)
  8. The Calculus Affair – (1954-1956)
  9. The Red Sea Sharks – (1958)
  10. Tintin in Tibet – (1960)
  11. The Castafiore Emerald – (1963)
  12. Flight 714 – (1968)
  13. Tintin and the Picaros – (1976)
  14. Tintin and Alph-Art – (published posthumously in 1986)


Rules of the game

  1. Tell us who tagged you… dont forget to give us his/her link
  2. Present the 5th para in the 123rd page of the book you are presently reading
  3. If the book doesnot have 123rd page ( and/or) the 5th paragraph.. you may present the last paragraph in the last page
  4. You may either type the content – or – scan the page and highlight the paragrah
  5. Tag 5 more people

Here are my 5 friends who just got themselves tagged 😀

Appreciation as Art

How would it make you feel if your 4-year old came to you as soon as she wakes up ( which is probably the time you would be at the breakfast table to face the day)..hugs you and says..”……You are the best dad in the whole wide wide world”….how would you put feelings at this point in words in the language you are most conversant at… pretty hard.!!!..hmm…damn hard !!!… face it… its impossible to put those emotions into words… This is

Somewhere along the way.. in the urgency to grow-up , we forgot the art of baring our emotions as it feels.. no frills attached , no diplomacy ..just say what you feel. Later when we think about this.. we start feeling bad about this and try to compensate by telling nice-little things and we give it the name appreciation.

Broadly we can classify appreciation as Verbal and Non-verbal. Non-Verbal appreciations are those which are apparent in the looks, the way you turn your head when a nice chick passes by ( or for that matter a cute-guy asks for directions 😉 ..), the way you raise your eyebrows when the child at the coffee shop catches your attention, the way you suppress your laugh when you accidentally overhear the conversation between enthusiastic adolescents, the way you stop on your tracks to smell the roses in your neighbors garden.

In order to be more adept at the art verbal-appreciation… its imperative that you are familiar with the language of the object. Lets say you come across a picture in a magazine. I don’t know what it is.. but I can certainly say that it caught your attention so strong.. that you decide to add it to your scrap book. Now this is non-verbal appreciation. You liked the picture so much.. that you want to share it with your friends.. but forgot to carry with you. So you decide to tell your friend all about that one-picture before he actually sees it from you. In order to be able to do this.. you must be able to bring the entire picture into your minds eye and paint the picture in words. This is only possible … only if you had looked beyond the superficial photograph.This is verbal-appreciation

This is exactly what a painting-artist would do. He sees a bunch of roses in a flower shop ( we too pass by the same shop and glimpse at those flowers… pretty nice hmm..). Just as listening is different from hearing.. seeing is different from looking. The artist not only sees the flowers, but also looks into them.. He absorbs the view into his intellect.. and when he is in front of his canvas.,,.. for him.. the picture is already there in that canvas… he just needs to draw lines and fill colors at the right places. This is his manner of appreciating a view of scene that he witnessed.

The same principle goes for all kinds of appreciation. You happened to like your subordinate’s work.. A little appreciation would boost his spirits and might even motivate him to perform better. But what good is his potential.. if you can’t speak few encouraging words about him amongst his co-workers. Better still.. give him a written appreciation.. he will be only glad to be at work Monday morning. Incentives and increments will follow…but this gesture of appreciation will stay fresh even after his retirement

A pat on the back would suffice for the moment.. but your words have a larger effect. So you need to choose your words carefully. “Hey..fella… Very Good..!” .. will be taken with a smile and handshake.. but the recipient might harbor doubts as to whether you really understood his contribution.. Don’t get too technical.. then it might just scare him off.. as though you are emphasizing your supremacy. You need to choose a middle ground and at the same time be well aware of the nature of work you are about to appreciate.

“Hey..Good job man..!… I liked the way you did this-that .. keep up the good work” … acts like an appetizer for the recipient as an impromptu appreciation. Remember he is still waiting for the main course. Use your resources and stick to the basics if you want to excel in the art of appreciation. 🙂

I am of the opinion that all languages have their own thesaurus. (If you are not sure.. start building your own.. or look up the internet).. Assuming that the communication is in English.. lets use the Thesaurus to find nice words and substitute for common words. Make sure that each sentence conveys a specific meaning and avoid beating around the bush. Start with an encouraging note.. work around the object of appreciation.. and end it with a word of reassurance and hope. The hope you have expressed in the last part of the appreciation will reinforce his respect towards you.

After all we all have the urge to excel in our fields.:-w So extend that drive towards expressing your appreciation also. Practice this art. After some time you will notice that words will flow when you need them. You might not have to take a compulsive effort to remember them. Words are out there in the air… just stretch and reach out to pick them up.

Be unique in expressing your admiration. Use your resources well. Use Thesaurus.