Morning mist……dense with dew,
Dancing rainbow….on each blade,
Morning mist.. ….dancing with colors,
Morning mist…..dense with dew.
(I think of )..Freedom
(I think of)…Freedom by Vishesh
Thoughts on freedom
Thoughts roam free
With freedom comes power
With power comes responsibility
Elevate responsible thoughts
Escalating freedom embraces you
Oh! Comeback…
Master’s piece in colors..
Masterpiece in colors.
Watching them flutter and fly..
Clear all clutters out of my mind.
Oh!..Come back, while you feel…
Oh!..come back, for me to feel free.
Golden rays shine bright
Golden days light up bright
Gladdened damsel clasps day’s light
Gleaming rays dances in delight
Our Love
Budding romance
Blooming companionship
Lingering thoughts…lingers on
Youthful exuberance
Craving passions
Lingering touch…lingers on
Aging eyes
Shivering bones
Lingering presence… lingers on
Solitary witness
Soulful reminder
Lingering absence… lingers on
Track your comments in Blogger
The first step being a blogger is ones willingness to read other bloggger’s posts and leave a comment without feeling lazy. But , imagine bookmarking all the URLs where we have commented . Thats a long list in our Favorite folder. I used to hate when I have to ‘spring clean’ my favorites.. especially for past posts where I have posted comments. Sometimes in a hurry, I also forget to bookmark the link
Your appreciation is my motivation
Peace the Pinnacle
Peace the Pinnacle… by Vishesh
Drought conjures disillusions
Hiatus defines continuance
Creative is beauty &
Peace is pinnacle
Nameless emotions &
Faceless acquaintances
Withholds expectations
Within experiences
Presence felt
………….in every absence
Preludes every
………… emotion’s essence
Prevails in
………….every drop’s abundance
Me, My Name, Myself – Tagged
This is the name-tag passed on to my by Priya…which has been long overdue. I have no one else to blame but myself. I got so caught up in other activities that I completely forgot about this. So blame me for being late… hey!.. its better late than never. Waht da ya say ?. So here its how it goes
- You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
- You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had
- At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Guess I am done with RULE-1.
For RULE-2, As we Indians are not into the habit of using middle names.. ie we have Fristname & Lastname ( also called as the Surname or the Family name), I shall be using my Fristname to proceed with the tag… ie D-E-E-P-A
The rule demands that I state some facts associated with me and my name. This is how I see it
D – Deepa (which means “light of a lamp”… commonly called as the jyoth – jothi -the flame that lights a lamp). The reason I was named Deepa was, I was born at 6.05 pm, normally called as the twilight or the sandhyakaal or the early dusk. Its customary at any hindu-houshold to light the lamp at the pooja room (ie Prayer room) at about 6.00pm in the evening .. as a mark of respect to the deities for letting us have a wonderful day.. I never get tired watching a lighted lamp ( or for that matter even candles).. I only hope that in someway I will be able to light up to drive someone else’s darkness away.
E – Esteem.. Self-Respect and Self-Esteem means a lot to me. I know where I stand and I have a clear idea of “where-to-draw-the-line”.. Beyond that its strictly no entry . But many times my regard for Self-Respect and Self-Esteem is (mis) understood as ego.. well then.. why do I care..perhaps their ego is so inflated that It cannot accommodate some self respect
E – Extrovert.. I have no qualms mixing in a don’t-know-anyone-here group. Every one loves a little pep-talk and so do I. When I am at my Extrovert-best.. my friends tend to call me “Elephant in a China shop”.
P – Polite.. yes, I believe a little politeness does not hurt. Being polite when in good mood is no big deal… its being polite during a terribly bad day that every ounce of the effort and strength that might be left in us…being polite doesn’t really mean being ALL SUGAR AND HONEY… if a person can refrain himself from using any kind of swear words like f#$%,b#$^^d, etc etc in any situation, I term the person as polite I think i am capable of making my un pleasantness known without using swear-words… After all there is a polite manner in expressing rage
A – Absent Minded..Yes. I am terribly absent minded. To state an example, I missed out writing for the alphabet “A”. It was not until Shiva pointed out, I realized this.. oh! Dear, I can churn out anecdotes after anecdotes on my “Absent Minded” goofups..not here, May be sometime later
So Thats pretty much about me. Since I am already late with this tag, I dont think not many of my friends are untagged. So I declare this tag from here on as an open invitation to any one who might be interested… Go Ahead.. think about your name and rediscover yourself allover again