Photoshop is THE TOOL for image editing… and there can be no second opinion about it..( Ask some die-hard Photoshop fan.. we can come up with umpteen reasons.)..However.. not all can afford to get a copy of Photoshop and the trial versions don’t last more than 30 days & they don’t include all the features that are otherwise available in the complete versionFor those who cannot afford Photoshop… help is near.
With the .Net technology gaining pace.. can MSPaint be far behind. We have a newer version of Paint called the This is a freeebee so anyone can download it for free (just a click away..and only 1.4MB).. and you get the full version ( so no alert messages telling that the trial period is going to expire soon.). What makes this a great alternative tool for image editing is… its interface is very user friendly…It has all the tools and MSPaint and most of the tools of Photoshop.Moreover they have a Forum to help newbies and a Wonderful Blog telling about the recent updates-features-and many more |
About Paint.NET
Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins
- Every change you make can be performed in layers.. so that .. incase you are not happy with the change… you can delete the layer .. while retaining other changes made
- You can add new layers to brighten your otherwise dark picture ( incase you forgot to turn the flash on)
- You can correct the Red-eye.. ( so nomore last minute fiddling to enable red eye in camera)
- You can add your own signature Text .. like © Deepa…adding your own copyright..(coool isnt it??)
- Supports all major picture formats ( except for Animated Gif files)
And many many more option… Explore and you will not be dissappointed… The posiblities are immense.. after this.. its your imaginatrion and They also have a Forum to address user Queries.. So any query.. however trivial.. there is always someone to guide you.
Here I will just give a small intro on how to add your copywright mark to the pic
Copyright is something like “© Deepa” which I put in the pictures that I upload to the net.. which means that this pic is entirely mine .To do this is Photoshop.. we need to use the “custom shape tool”… however in this is the procedure to add © to the pics
Remember always create a copy of the original picture to work on.. Try not to make any changes .. however slight to the the original.. You may end up loosing a perfectly good picture.. incase the alterations does not come out right
- Open the picture to which you want to add your © mark
- © is a special character.. so you will have to open the "Character Map"
- START-RUN -Charmap.exe .. or Start-Programs-Accesories-SystemTools-Character Map
- Locate the © as shown here
- Either double click the © symbol.. or clcik the select button ( or make a not of the "KEYSTROKE combination as shown in the pic"
- cick the Copy button
- Open the window( where you have the pic already opened) and select the Text Tool
- Click at the position where you want the copyright stamp to appear.. ( Its wise to have this stamp at any of the corneres.. so that people can admire the picture withought gettng distracted by the stamp)… Dont worry if the position didnot match exactly with what you had in mind…. There is something called as "moving the text"
- Once the Cursor blinks.. just paste using Ctrl+V ( or Edit Paste.. or use the KEYSTROKE COMBINATION ).. you will see the © appear.. following which you can type your name / time stamp of the photo.. etc etc
- You many also choose the font size / style and color
- Inorder to move the "TEXT" that you have just now added… just click and drag the Square like thinggy to the postion that you might feel appropriate
- Save the Picture as Jpeg once you are satisfied with the changes…
Do drop in with a word if this post has been useful to you.. also..please express your appreciation by linking back to this post.. after allYour appreciation is my motivation