Ask an average child junior high school or the hig school about their favorite subject..7 out of 10 will say Math or Science and remaining 3 will come up with subjects wherein the teachers are lenient and they can score “better” marks compared to other subjects. Ask the same set of students to name their 2 favorite subjects.. it will either have Math ( and something else) or Science ( and something else).. then again you will find students who neither prefer science & math. Remember we are talking about high school… I guess they have not yet been introduced to commerce and economics..
Very few times ..( about 5 of 50) I have come across a student who says that Math and Science are his/her favorite subjects.. even so as to say.. Math and Science are never spoken in the same sentence. It so seems that a certain amount of fear-factor somehow gets into a student’s intellect.. that.. if he is able to grasp the concepts of science.. then he starts thinking that..”Oh My God.. How am I going to fare in my Math test.. the theorems just don’t make sense to me”… Vice versa… If the child is able to grasp Pythagoras and trigonometry.. then the thought would be “What’s with all those colored liquids and inclines and pulleys. yuck with those insects…. why cant they speak in a common man’s language”
I humbly ( read proudly) say that my favorite subjects were Math and Science. The reason is my teachers helped me see the “Science in Math” and the “Math underlying Science” in a very convincing and non-confusing manner.
Science works on the basis of certain principle.. so is Math. Pythagoras theorem did not spring out of air. Pythagoras saw the problem before him and approached it scientifically ( all those derivations will run to 100s of pages).. to give us the 15-step QED for the theorem. Similarly Sin2θ + Cos2θ=Tan2θ did not come as a divine revelation, Experiments were performed….results were aggregated …. analyzed…. anomalies were spotted…and after several hours of human efforts…. such one liners were delivered to us…on a platter
How much we used to curse them for finding these formulas… They make us remember all those formulas.. If only they had not arrived at those results.. we would not be forced into such an agony of memmorising these things…. Those were the yester-years.. isn’t it friends… Now we are lot wiser…aren’t we ? ? ?
Do you know that…….Sri.Ramanujanam ( The Math wiz the world has ever seen).. during his early years of study.. finished his 3hr examination in 30 min.. and he hadn’t even filled up 3/4 of a single sheet of paper. All that was seen in his answer paper was Q(number) -(numb) solution to the problem ;Q(number) -(numb) solution to the problem ;Q(number) -(numb) solution to the problem ;
When the examiner enquired as to why he has not shown his derivations…Sri.Ramanujam said ” Why should i derive the answers on paper.. when they are already there in my mind.. its absolute waste of time.. Had I not derived them in my head.. how do you think i wrote those answers in my paper”… but as the examination system would have it.. he was awarded just 2 marks each for “the answers”…. what do say… System challenged then…System challenges now… moving on..
A solution to a problem is derived in Math.. (So is science.) and not guessed..( even to say guessing is math involving probability-permutation and combination)…run run.. but u cant hide. Every principle ( gravity – Newton’s law – Doppler effect) are the results of endless series of experiments
The result of every scientific experiment are nothing nut numbers. It takes a statistical bent of mind to read the numbers and translate them as probable scientific outcomes of the experiment in question and finally wait for the experiment to proceed to check if the numbers tell the right story. Numbers helps these scientists to anticipate the result even before the result start taking shape in the laboratory. Finally a 1000 page lab note takes shape of 100 page drossier with charts and graphs for the experts in the field to determine the nature of the experiment and acknowledge the principle that has been derived.
If you come across a confused soul who cannot handle science and math in the same platform.., just make him understand that both indeed compliment each other..( and are not some kind of monsters comming to get him) then watch the difference in enthusiasm of the child towards these two dreaded subjects
So.. Remember you high-school years… how bad were things then… what was your worst exam-nightmare ?