We all know about the Profile widget providedd to us by Blogger. This widget will display our name / other details that we have given in our profile and will be shown only if you have enabled the “share-my-widget” option.
Some of you might be having multiple blogs and would like a different set of details displayed for each blog in the about me section..depending on the mood of your blog… hmm.. fair enough.. you dont have to putup with the same profile contents.. if you choose not to
You can have a text / html widget instead of the profile widget and include the contents you want to be displayed.Those familiar with the standard html tags like <b>…<i> ..<u>….<font>..etc etc can use the EDIT_HTML mode to format your content to suit you blog. Others may use the RICH-TEXT mode and format using the buttons provided
Drop me a comment..if you face a roadblock in displaying the content to match your requirement.I shall try to be of help
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