Music in silence is h(u)mmm….
Melody in ecstacy is h(h)mmm…
Choir on lips is (a)hmm..
oh!Dear..need i say more..hmm hmm
Donno What To Say.. But …
Donno What To Say.. But …by Vishesh
Oh ! Dear.. your wail
……for lost inspirations ..
Pierces me.. for
….my heart takes in the incisions….
May your intellect
…..keep insanity at bay,
May benevolence of nature
……keep dire thoughts away.
As the hearts skips a beat or two..,
Love is in the air for you two.
Oh..! composing such marvellous melody…
In silent dialogues and missing beats.
These are a few colours of happiness… till the master calls it a day!
These are a few colours of happiness… till the master calls it a day! … by Seema
In my quest towards earning my daily bread…
I lost my way and “walked into the clouds”.
Whispering winds and rolling rain-drops..and
Comforting family that holds every time i droop,
Untained innocence beaming with joy….
Welcomes me to feel happiness ahoy..!
If….Then…. by Vikas
If….Then…. by LyLTiArApRiNcEsS
If you were perfect as a picture
….then you shall be adorning her wall
….for she loves you for all your imperfections
If you would search every lamp
…..then she shall be holding it for you
If you would track down a leprechaun
…..then she shall be holding the pot for you
If you would take your life-force
…..then she shall be up there to welcome you
If you would sacrifice the dearest in your heart
…..then she shall be the one you might have to sacrifice
If your missing her…drowns you in agony
then ….
…………..see her in the early light
…………..feel her in the blossoms bright
………… her in the twilight dust
…………..seize her in your dreams delight
In You
As your rose is drenched
………with fragrance from within
Your verses are drenched
………with the passion within you
As the pouring rain holds
………a rainbow within each drop
Your momemts seems to hold
………his thoughts vibrant within you
Happy Birthday Bloggy…
Happy Birthday Bloggy…by Vishesh
A birthday wish for Vishes’s blog
A lovely time to reminiscent his log
You etched your thoughts in words and pics
You fetched your friends such joy and bliss
May your log blossom in the cyber-plot
May your technorati authory swell to the top slot
A sly look..with parting lips..
….is how we whisper to our love.
An impish wink..and hushed tone,
….is how we whisper with our pals.
You reveal whispering with self,
….is how we reflect on our dwelling thoughts.
Bright Orange
Your rhymes chime with passing time
Your finesse hone with each rhyme
Bright orange here lights up my mood..and
Best oranges tones up my bod
In Love's Paradise… (my 100 th poem)
In love’s paradise..
…sharing sweet nothings
…caring for little somethings
…perceiving every pleasure
…pooh-poohing the prying stars
…ceaseless passion at its peak
..taking me to the love’s paradise
…with my love on my centurion post