
If….Then…. by Vikas
If….Then…. by LyLTiArApRiNcEsS

If you were perfect as a picture
….then you shall be adorning her wall
….for she loves you for all your imperfections
If you would search every lamp
…..then she shall be holding it for you
If you would track down a leprechaun
…..then she shall be holding the pot for you
If you would take your life-force
…..then she shall be up there to welcome you
If you would sacrifice the dearest in your heart
…..then she shall be the one you might have to sacrifice

If your missing her…drowns you in agony
then ….
…………..see her in the early light
…………..feel her in the blossoms bright
…………..seek her in the twilight dust
…………..seize her in your dreams delight

In You

In You by Priya

As your rose is drenched
………with fragrance from within
Your verses are drenched
………with the passion within you
As the pouring rain holds
………a rainbow within each drop
Your momemts seems to hold
………his thoughts vibrant within you


Whisper by Priya

A sly look..with parting lips..
….is how we whisper to our love.
An impish wink..and hushed tone,
….is how we whisper with our pals.
You reveal whispering with self,
….is how we reflect on our dwelling thoughts.