एक अपना आसमान

साया द्वारा लिखित… एक अपना आसमान

अप्रतियक्ष.. अष्कॊं के तूफान के कारण
गुपत…अन्जानॆ चेहरों के कारण
अपना आसमान .. अपने ही आन्खॊं में लियॆ
अपना खॊज…अपनॆ से भिन्न क्यूं ? ? ?

Somewhere in Time

Somewhere in Time by Nithya

Somewhere in time.. Your anticipations came to a halt
Somewhere in time.. Your aspirations ached your heart
Somewhere in time.. Moments became memmories
Somewhere in time.. Musings became pensive
Somewhere in time.. Fragrance left the bubble
Somewhere in time.. Fragrance waits to be felt