Contemplating as the days pass by..
Agonized over the absence of love’s presence…
Choking in and cloaking the agony..,
Behold !.. your beau is just few steps away . 🙂
Regard Every Happening !
Regard Every Happening ! by Mindbliss
The spool of wool…unrolls to chase the chilly winds,
The symphony lifts us .. with the brood to chase chilly minds,
What a picturesque potrait you portray….
Aspires my feet.. to dig into the sparkling sands
Inspires my psyche .. to dance and be merry! ! !
Being same is mundane,
Begining to change is to aspire,
Aspiration nourishes the ambitions,
To change .. to be the best… ,
Afterall.. change is constant.
A pearl lurking at the beach,
Earnestly to beseech,
Eager to claim your shell,
I see a pearl lurking at the beach,
Close To My Heart
You dart at every chime,
You dismay at the empty porch,
You pen your pensive moments..and,
Awaiting your heart to come close to you.
I Will Wait..
Oh..! dear..How well you speak of the bond,
That inspires us… not to bind…but to let go,
You make waiting…. a honurable experience,
Reminding time and again…patience is indeed a virtue.
Rain’s voyage is indeed brief,
As.. the drop sails with the wind,
Fortunate few lands on your chasis,
Filling up emotions in your chalice,
Inspiring you to pen these verse..and,
You drift with the drop again..and.. again….
Oh .. ! Friend..I see..
The Blooming blossoms astounds you
His Beaming brilliance bewilders you
His progressve prowess propels you
Oh..! Friend…I wish..
You rout the mountains…inspired from his beams
You race the oceans…….inspired from his hues
You raze the bubble of inhibitions…inspired from his travel plan
Oh..! Friend…may your credentials mirror
The keleidoscopic drapes… magnifique..lone and grouped, alike
The flame of life…light-up the knowledge …self and surroundings, alike
The warmth of conscience…warm up some icy lost soul…
One and Only
As a blossom at early light…so you bloom at his sight..,
As a dewdrop at first dew….so your eyes show us the rainbow ..,
Blessed are the angles…to watchover this love.
Am Not Alone
Breeze sway to your soul,
Cuckoos sing to your rhyme,
Leaves dance to your rhythm,
Oh..! Yeah…You are alive
Oh..! Yeah..You are not alone